
How to Choose a Cyber Security Company
Cyber security is a must for businesses of any size and industry. There are various ways for you to improve your business's cyber security posture; one such way is hiring a cyber security company. This blog walks you through the essential things to think about when choosing a cybersecurity provider so you can make an informed choice that meets your goals as a business and foresees possible risks. This is a thorough guide to assist you in selecting the best option.
Cryptographic attacks
In cyber security, cryptography serves as a protective layer for your digital realm. Lately, cryptographic attacks have become a severe threat. Hackers are using advanced techniques to target cryptographic solutions, such as encryption keys, ciphertext, etc. Cryptographic attacks take advantage of flaws in cryptography systems, which highlights the need to comprehend and strengthen your cryptographic defences. This blog will explain precisely what cryptography is, the different kinds of crypto attacks, and how to defend against these cyberattacks.
Understanding SOC Operations and Processes
Businesses can suffer significantly from cybersecurity breaches, but these expenses can be minimised. How? Well, with a security operations centre. SOC is the focal point of all your everyday cybersecurity operations. It holds the power to swiftly repel potential threats before they have a chance to cause significant harm. And if you're wondering whether or not your company actually needs a SOC, the likelihood is that it does. Continue reading to find out why and how.
What Is Zero Click Attack And How To Prevent It
A zero-click attack! It sounds dangerous, right? As the name suggests, a zero-click attack can compromise a device without the target user's involvement. These attacks do not utilise any social engineering scheme; instead, they take advantage of existing vulnerabilities. They are especially dangerous because they are hard to identify and stop. So, are you and your gadgets in danger from "zero-click attacks"? Let's find out in this blog.
Outsource Penetration Testing
Pen testing, another name for penetration testing, is an essential part of a thorough cybersecurity plan. It simulates an attack by a malicious threat actor to assess a system or network's security. This blog explains why pen testing is still important in 2024 when we have a plethora of other security options. Come along to understand the penetration testing process and the benefits associated with outsourcing.
Next-generation firewalls
Recent security breaches have escalated the need for next-generation firewalls (NGFW) and the additional protection they provide against some of the largest and most ostensibly secure network systems. While traditional firewalls meet businesses' fundamental security requirements, NGFWs' capabilities are enhanced and expanded to accommodate larger enterprises with new and improved features. They provide a plethora of features, skills, and instruments that safeguard your network from contemporary cyber threats and shut off all potential points of entry. This blog will help you understand and find the right NGFW for your business based on the configuration of your network and the resources and tools you have for security.
Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS)
The massive increase in cyber attacks and attempts at breaching networks and systems has led businesses to develop defences. One such defence mechanism is IDPS or the Intrusion Detection and Prevention System. It has been around for decades and continues to be an essential component of effective cyber hygiene. This blog will discuss intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPSs), their significance in network security, their various types and their working.
How To Recover from A Cyber Attack
The threats to cyber security are growing more severe and systematic. A cyber attack can have serious short-term effects on a business. Still, the longer-term effects, including a loss of competitive advantage, a decline in credit score, and a rise in cyber insurance costs, can be even more significant. This blog will highlight the importance of a cyber security champion on the board to assist the businesses' direction and create a rapid recovery plan, to conquer cyber attacks successfully. We will also share some tips on handling a cyber attack and what to do following a data breach.
Pen Testing Companies
It is essential to thoroughly test every aspect of an organisation's IT infrastructure in order to improve the speed at which an IT department can respond to an attack and take the necessary safeguards to protect sensitive data from hackers. With the aid of pen-testing services, you can quickly identify high-risk locations and plan security efforts and expenditures accordingly. This blog is a thorough manual for negotiating the complex realm of pen testing. We've covered everything, from comprehending the complex nature of pen testing to delving into specifics of the UK's top 12 cyber security companies.
AI role in phishing
Why are AI-powered ransomware and phishing attacks among the top worries voiced by cyber-risk-aware decision-makers today? These attacks have the potential to destroy entire economies by focusing on vital infrastructure like transportation and power networks. AI is being used for cyber crimes, such as deepfakes, phishing emails, impersonation, and password cracking. To safeguard ourselves better, we must comprehend how AI is being used by cyber terrorists. This blog discusses the growing application of artificial intelligence (AI) in cyber security and how it can improve the efficacy and efficiency of security protocols.